dear males,
i dunno why i am doin' this but im just bored. so i thought that it won't really hurt if i make a letter for all of you through this bloggie of mine (as if all of you coud really read this :)) but seriously, i really do hope & pray that God will make a way for you to stumble by my blogpage and be able to know what is on my mind. Just as i thought that guys aren't typical readers. so if by chance you are reading this and you are a guy (as in a male species), id like you to know that you are one of a kind! Congratulations!!! yepee yepee! haha! :)) Guys who take time to read mushiness and stuff like this are intellegent! For me, it means a lot! It goes to show that he is interested to learn and to get more ideas...and undeniably, they have a lot to share too! Ooopppsss!
hello again male species! i quite really dunno which one to say first. All i know is that there is a lot of things in my mind that i want to just spit out right here. But let me tell you guys that this is just about you. You, yourself and no one but you! hehe...read on! :)
when you guys say 'i love you', we women really take it by heart. Our hearts jumps up and down. So please, don't just say it for the sake of saying it! Say it when you really mean it! Dont ever say it just because you want to acquire something! In my own point of view, the most abused word widely used by males in a relationship is "i love you" without even thinking twice what will be the outcome after it has been said. Good or bad, the word should come with accountability and responsibility. So STOP the heck of messing with our lives with that 3-word sentence!
women are complicated, you all say that, dont you? if we women are complicated, so why then you still complicate your life a lot by dating us? You guys are really funny, aren't you? Why can't you just stop staring at us even when we are dining with your fellow male species? Why can't you stop sending us messages even in midnight just to say 'goodnight & sweet dreams' and forget saying it to your girlfriends? am i telling a familiar story? And when your gf finds out about the 'crime' you have done, automatically, you deny! And say, it was the girl who texted your first and showed a special motive. Oh c'mmon guys! LOOK guys, can't you see? your'e just making a mess like you are combining the 5-course meal in a blender and krrrrrrrr!!! the outcome is a mishmash! yuck! can you imagine drinking it out from a blender! i couldnt imagine how that taste but im sure its really yuckie! Its rude to suggest this or even say this but hey guys, dont get an ugly woman if your eyes can't stop roaming around for pretty ladies! make up your mind once and for all!
before i end this letter, i want to say one last thing which i hope you guys will agree. i kinda' know that when guys say 'its just a game', 'its just a fling', 'she's nothing'...it means something! (i hope not!). Boys will always be boys! playful, right? married or engaged, you guys really love to play fire! hahaha! :)) Just dont play fire too much, it might burn someone's heart! ***) smiles!
be careful guys! girls knows how to play as well, its even better! ***) winkies!
POSTSCRIPT: be watchful especially when you know some girl cried because of you! (familiar with the word 'karma!?) hahahaha :))
from a limited lady with unrequitted feelings - purple piglet
As usual your thought are wonderful and but as a male species I neither deny fully nor accept fully. Up to some extent may be you are right. Coin always has two faces as glass of water can be seen in a two different way. It depends up on the way you look up the things. It also depends upon the state of mind. It always happens when you start hating some body you will not able to see his/her positive side. It happens with everybody. Male are also human being and it is not good to blame man. They also have heart and they also weep they also have emotions. But may be the working environment and the culture it the ways they are brought up make them strong. In western world woman can also roam naked as man can roam. Woman her self make different from man.
I respect woman cause they gives birth to man.
hi JD, thanks for taking time to read my thoughts. i really appreciate your efforts for doing so. anyhow, its just a blog. i say things which is on my mind but not the things inside my heart. coz the things inside my heart is private and they arent being written. i say it directly to the person concerned. thank you for still being here though only as a friend. thank you for loving me and im sad that we really have to come to an end. but i never meant to point out that u are the guy in this blog i am talking to. thank you for the wonderful friendship you gave me through the years. i wish you goodluck with ur gf and a great life ahead of you. take care JD! - lj
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